
With decades of experience in building SysQ capacity—through consulting and training—we’ve developed a broad range of resources that will help you better understand if/how you can benefit from working with us. Below you’ll find videos, articles, and links that will give you a deeper understanding of the value of SysQ, adaptive leadership, and interactive learning tools to issues you care about.


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Strengthening Leadership Capacity

All our work is designed to increase your and your organization's leadership capcity—to create and implement high leverage strategies. The following provide both and overview and deeper dive into how SysQ capacity is essential when addressing adaptive challenges, but concrete tips and techniques for how you can build and apply SysQ.

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Our award winning video teaches how SysQ can help professionals find leverage when addressing adaptive challenges—with examples from public health.


Watch to learn the foundation of systemic intelligence and how to build more useful (high leverage) -mental models.


This series of videos were produced for the CDC to help program officers better develop and evaluate health recommendations—the concepts are relevant to any leader.

pontifex consulting sysQ article pdf download

This article (white paper) provides an overview of systemic intelligence: how it differes from systems thinking, why you need it, and the basic tools you can use to build this capacity. Click to view PDF


Interactive Learning Products

We not only recommend and encourage you to use experiential learning tools to build deep understanding and generate insights of your most pressing issues, we help build them with you. We build products for you that include simulation modeling, forecasting, learning environments, serious games, and more. These resources show how we do that through specific case study examples.

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Bay Game Video Link

Pontifex Consulting developed an interactive multiplayer game for the Unviersity of Virigina—see how it can be used to develop an engaging learning experience for students and executive education.


Read how an award winning tool (interactive learning laboratory) was used to help an organization transition to an entirely new mode of operation. Click to view PDF.


Apply SysQ and simulation modeling to better understand the dynamics of commodity systems by analyzing the global shrimp industry.


SysQ Analysis for Better Decisions

We have 30 years experience helping organizations of all sectors make better decisions—from start ups to Fortune 100 companies to senior leadership for countries and continents. Here are just a few examples of how we can help, including actual consulting engagements and outcomes.

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Link to childhood obesity research publication at

Read how an innovative legislative leadership program used SysQ to improve legislator decision making while tackling a huge adaptive challenge: childhood obesity. Click to view PDF

link to risk analysis with simulation pdf

Learn how a Fortune 500 services company applied SysQ to run risk analsysis of a high stakes decision—saving millions in the process. Click to view PDF

link to the strategic forum

See our chapter in The Change Handbook (Berrett-Koehler) describing our trademarked SysQ strategy process.


Building Adaptive Leadership and Learning

Pontifex Consulting works with an extensive network of practitioners with one mission: Build your capacity to apply effective leadership and learning to your most important adaptive challenges. Here are examples of where we’ve applied that capacity building. You’ll also find links to our extended partner network.

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Learn how Pontifex Consulting helped the Georgia Health Policy Center create a successful adaptive leadership academy for state legislators.

Link to Using Systems Thinking to Shift Mindsets

Read how a financial services company used multiple SysQ engagements to solve several strategic issues—and increase decision making capacity across the organization. Click to view PDF

Link to improving state health policymaking with systems thinking

Read a peer reviewed publication describing the impact of the legislative program profiled in the video above.

Learn how the complementary adaptive learning skill of Conversational CapacityTM, developed by our colleague Craig Weber, can help your team perform when the pressure’s on.

Link to Leadership Masters Program

Learn how our partners at Leadership Masters create unique, interactive, high impact training that changes minds—and culture—to create high performing organizations.

Learn a practical framework for applying the skills of jazz to organizational leadership developed by our colleague, Frank Barrett—described in his book Yes to the Mess (Harvard Business School Publishing).

Learn more about how our resources can help your organization